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create a champion  mindset

Mental and performance training

for athletes


This is a Mental Training and Coaching service based in Spain and UK, designed to help athletes

 become mentally tough and perform at their best.

Jasmin has been providing one-on-one coaching services to athletes since 2011.

Clients range from Elite athletes in La Liga, Premier League and Ligue 1 to Junior athletes.

It is scientifically proven that while during training sessions, 90% is physical matter. At games however it is only 10% physical and 90% mental.

So now that we know this, how much do you train the mind?

If you cannot control your mind, everything and everyone else will! World class physical performance requires a trained mind.

Mental toughness is, according to research, what separates the average athlete from the great.

We apply techniques used by the mental skill-coaches who have trained Cristiano Ronaldo, Conor McGregor, Kobe Bryant and many others.

Learn to apply the greatest tool you have, your mind.


✓ Disciplined Concentration  

✓ Manage Fear and Stress

✓ Reach Peak Performance

✓ Stay in the “Flow”

Let’s get started!


meet your coach

Jasmin Leoné

As a Mental Performance Consultant and expert in Peak Sports Performance, Jasmin works with athletes and teams
across different sports at every level, from professional to junior competitors.
Jasmin specialises in helping athletes overcome mental fears & blocks,
snap out of slumps, and perform to their potential. 

Jasmin has a background in Sport Psychology, Neuroscience and NLP.

She works both privately and as a Consultant at Global Performance in Barcelona. 

About J

how much of sport is mental?

90 percent.


You might be a great player physically, amazingly fast, with great skills and condition. BUT, if you are missing the mental strength to stay focused, handle stress, nervousness, anger, get back after mistakes, shift focus from the wrong things or from last minute negative thinking and doubts-then you won't reach your true potential as an athlete.

To be able to bring your performance to the next level, you need to systematically work on the mental side of your game.

This means that you have to learn how to:

  • Stay calm and composed under competitive pressure

  • Avoid psych-outs and intimidation

  • Control your emotions

  • Quickly rebound from your mistakes and setbacks

  • Concentrate on what’s important and let go of everything else

  • Manage last minute negative thinking and self-doubts

  • Play free and loose without getting distracted by your thoughts

  • Mentally prepare for your big games

"Great techniques. Great to work with Jasmin. 


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